What is the bus stop?

The Bus Stop is an opportunity to find your seat on the bus, in other words, to get involved.  Our vision is for every generation to rally together around our shared purpose. Take a look at the list below and find an opportunity to Lean In and connect with others through a group or class and then to Move Out through a service or mission opportunity.

Serving Opportunities

Caring/Homebound Ministry
Assist Aleen Philhower in meeting the practical needs of those who are homebound or in crisis. Sometimes people need a ride to the doctor, other times they just need a listening ear.
Children's Ministry Team
Invest in the next generation. There are many ways to serve. Utilize your gifts either working directly with the kids or serving behind the scenes. You can serve weekly, every other week, or monthly. Melissa and Holly definitely have a place for you!
Contemporary Worship Team
Lift up your voice, play an instrument, offer the prayer, or use your technical skills behind the scenes to lead our 11am gathering in worship.
Donut & Coffee Team
Long's Bakery does the heavy lifting. Grab the donuts on your way to church and start brewing the coffee. Be a part of bringing smiles to faces during the Community Hour.
Front Desk Volunteers
Offer a smiling face and a warm greeting to our Welcome Place families and other guests who enter the building during the week. You'll also answer the phone and help people find the appropriate staff member to best meet their need.
Go Team
Needs often arise with little warning. Be a part of team of people prepared to respond to a variety of circumstances. We'll email the need to the group and those who are able to help can respond and take action.
Guest Connection Team
Create a warm and friendly environment on Sunday mornings. As our guests arrive, be prepared to greet them with a smile and help them navigate our building. Help to build lasting relationships with first time visitors.
High School Ministry
Has God given you a passion for high schoolers? Get together with Paul Gearhart to learn about opportunities to serve. Help this group of young people prepare for life after high school.
Mary Bryan Elementary
We want our neighbors to thrive as we invest in our community. Help with the annual back to school night, bringing breakfast to the teachers, or tutoring in a classroom.
Middle School Ministry
This group is at a pivotal age as they move from the innocence of childhood to the adventures ofadolescence. Talk to Tori Nuetzel about how you might help our middle schooler develop a firm foundation in their faith.
Mowing Team
Zip across our property on a zero turn mower and help keep our grounds looking spiffy.
Photography Event Team
Grab your camera and head to the next church event. Help us capture our moments and tell our stories in pictures.
Senior Adults Fellowship
Join Bobbi O'Neal and others to take quarterly fellowships to those at Rosegate and Greenwood Villiage South.
Shepherd Community Go Group
We meet 4-6 times a year for fellowship and to plan our next serving event at Shepherd Community Center on the Near East Side. We serve in the food pantry, deliver boxes of food to those in need, tutor in class rooms and lead afterschool programs. Let's build relationships together as we use our gifts to serve.
Sunday Morning Live-Streaming Team
Help us bring our worship gathering to those who are unable to attend on Sunday mornings. You don't need to have any technical skills, just a heart to serve and a willingness to be trained.
Traditional Worship & Choir
Use your gifts at our 8:30am worship gathering, whether singing in the choir, serving as a liturgist, and playing an instrument.

Community Hour Classes

New Members Class
What is Southport Pres all about? Beginning September 10, Pastor Rob will walk us through our mission and vision. We'll discuss everything from our history, beliefs and what we hope to accomplish on the Southside of Indy.
Sacred Parenting
What if parenting is not only about raising kids? What if parenting is also one of the tools God uses to shape us more into the image of Jesus? Join veteran parents Keith and Cheri Speer as they walk us through a 6-week video series by Gary Thomas. Begins August 6.
Empathy - Book Study
Would you like to grow in your ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others so you can be a more supportive friend? Join Aleen Philhower, Kris Reid and Susanne Schultz beginning August 6 to learn how to go deeper with others.
Financial Peace University
Jesus said our treasure and our hearts are closely related. In this course, facilitated by Pastor Glen, you'll learn very practical skills to help you become a better steward of the financial resources God has entrusted to you. The cost is $85 and spouses attend for free. Contact Pastor Glen at 317-534-2908 to register. Begins Monday, Sept. 11 at 6:30pm.
Gospel Project for Adults
We're on a three year journey through the Bible but you can jump in at any time. Each week's lesson has it's own unique application. We're currently studying the life of Jesus. Led by Pastor Glen, John Hill and Keith Speer.
Young Adults
Join a group of college students and twenty-somethings as we make new connections and learn how to apply the Gospel to our lives. We usually have something homemade to eat as Nate and Holly Epple facilitate our discussions.

Weekly Bible Studies

Monday Women's Study
Join us beginning September 11 as study the book When You Pray. Contact Dortha Joyce at 317-292-2825 or Sharon Curbox at 317-691-4334 for more information. The cost is $25.
Men's Tuesday Bible Study
Get to know some other men and learn more about the Bible at the same time. Contact John Testa for more information at 317-787-8375. This group will resume in September, the date is still TBD.
Men's Saturday Breakfast
Bring $5 and join us for a homemade breakfast on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. Build relationships and enjoy a short devotional led by Pastor Bob Amon or Wally Campbell. Contact Keith Rector for more information at 317-694-5632.
Wednesday Women's Study
Build deeper relationships and learn more about prayer as we study When You Pray. We will begin on September 13. Contact Sharon Keeney at 317-694-2494 or Ruth Mercer at 317-506-5320. The cost is $25.

Join a Small Group

Get to know the people you go to church with and deepen your faith in the process.  Small Groups meet in homes, usually twice a month, to discuss a Scripture passage and share life together.  Click the link below and we'll seek to find a group that's a good fit for you.