Move out
Serve out of your comfort zone and use your gifts to invest in others. We would like everyone to find one place to serve within the church and one place to serve outside the church.

Children's Ministry
We are currently looking for caregivers to serve our walking toddlers and 3-5-year-olds during our contemporary service. We are also seeking to build our substitute teacher list for both the 9:45 hour and during the contemporary service.

Our 11am worship team is looking for vocalists who can sing harmony, keyboardists who can read chord charts or sheet music and electric guitarists who can read chord charts. We meet once a week on Wednesday night from 6:45-8:15 and then Sunday morning from 9:30-12:00.

Coffee & Donuts Team
Who doesn’t want coffee and Long’s donuts at church? To serve on this team, you don’t have to wake up as early as you might think . . . well, that might be a stretch. Serve once per quarter and make sure our coffee and donuts are ready to go by 9:20am on Sundays.
LIve streaming crew
Help us spread the gospel through operating cameras or helping direct the live-stream process. This isn’t nearly as hard as it looks; we will provide all of the training that you need. Seriously, most of us are not professionals.


Mary Bryan - Serve team
The community around our church should thrive as a result of our presence. There are a variety of ways to serve our nearest public elementary school, from tutoring kids in reading, providing the teachers with an occasional breakfast, or helping with the annual back to school night.

Shepherd Community
Shepherd Community is a ministry on the Near East Side that helps people break the bonds of generational poverty. While there are a number of ways Shepherd accomplishes their mission, this Go Group will help by volunteering once a month at the food pantry, tutoring students and volunteering in classrooms, delivering meals, and other opportunities as they arise. As a group, we also meet every other month for fellowship and planning our next service opportunity at Shepherd.