Prayer List - March 10th


Jean Johnson went home to be with the Lord on Saturday night.  There will be a memorial service for her later when COVID concerns are no longer an issue.  Joy’s sister has been unable to be vaccinated yet and feeling the need to be very cautious.  Cards of comfort may be sent to Joy Ross 1401 Stoney Dr. West Plains, MO 65775.


After a meeting “with many physicians, nurses and palliative care team the decision has been made to send Bonnie Ridenour home on hospice.”  This will take place within the next couple of days.  Please pray especially for Nikki who had to make this extremely difficult decision.  She says, “My heart is saddened but I’m respecting her wishes and want what she wants.”  Please pray for Bonnie’s passing to be peaceful and that she and all who love her will feel the loving arms of Our Savior carrying them through this time.

Nancy Morgan remains in Community Hospital East as she awaits additional surgery Friday.  Please pray for pain control and that all will go well with the upcoming surgery to allow successful healing and that she will soon be fully weight bearing again.  It has been a very long road toward recovery for her,  please pray for her to find hope and comfort in God’s mercy and provision.

Michael Speer’s mother Cheri reports that a doctor from Methodist has told her that due to having a severely bleeding ulcer, it is not uncommon for continued bleeding.  They think it is stable at the moment.  He will likely need more extensive abdominal surgery for a more permanent solution soon, but it is not needed during this hospitalization.   Hopefully he can come home soon.  (Keith is uncomfortable and having to watch a 4 year old during the day.)  Please continue to pray for the entire Speer family!

Millie Pratt, Sherry Amlung’s mother is back in the hospital due to labored breathing and low oxygen levels.  She appears to be stable now.  They are unsure what the next step will be.  Please pray for the Lord to provide wisdom for the medical team and peace for the family.


Cherly Kinkoph’s brother-in-law, Ron Roberts fell from a ladder yesterday suffering 4 broken bones in his back.  After being assessed at a hospital in Seymour, he was sent to Methodist Hospital, but then permitted to return home because “the bones he broke aren’t near the spine.”  Please pray for pain relief and healing for him.


Nancy Morgan…surgery…Friday…Community East
Beth Kane...immunotherapy March 13
Jeanne Hollingsworth …TBD
Jan Perkins…Surgery…May 1


(While it is not for us to know the length of any earthy life, we put our trust in the sovereignty of our Gracious Father.  We ask for a peaceful passing for each person when the day comes for them to be called home and for the assurance of His love and Grace for each and their families.)
Patty Probst…94 Spruce Dr. Palmyra, VA 22963
The grandmother of a SPCS student
Bonnie Ridenour…soon to return to her home, 7927 Whitaker Valley Blvd.  Indianapolis, IN 46237


Jeanne Hollingsworth continues to suffer from shingles and is awaiting word from Simon Cancer as to how to proceed with cancer treatment.   Please continue to pray for the Lord to guide and direct Jeanne’s care and to provide healing for the shingles in the meantime.  

Bryan Hollingsworth continues to experience headaches.  He has appointment scheduled to see his primary care doctor and his neurologist, virtually tomorrow.  Please pray for the Lord to provide wisdom for the physicians to bring about full recovery for Bryan.


Caryl Dill received an excellent pathology report…no cancer found!!  Praising God!!!


Steve Langford’s wife, Linda Cox will have an oncology consultation tomorrow after receiving a recent esophageal cancer diagnosis.  Please pray for wisdom for the specialists, that an effective treatment plan might soon be implemented and for both Steve and Linda to find peace and hope is ths sovereign care of our Gracious Father.

Connie Cleek’s procedure went well yesterday.  She says she is receiving relief from the debilitating cancer pain, but that she is just a bit sore and having some nausea as the result of the surgery.  Please continue to pray for the Lord’s blessing upon this dear sister.

Jan Perkins…see above  

Jeanne Hollingsworth
…see above

Bonnie Ridenour…see above

Cara Van Horn, Shealyn Templin’s mother continues to be in need of prayer.  Pleas pray for peace for both Cara and her family that they might find lasting peace and hope in the Lord and His sovereign plan for her.

While we have no additional information on the following: Tim Nicelely, Jeannie Ecker, Paula Spears,  Devon Loudy, and Don Owen.  Please continue to pray for them as they continue their cancer journey.  We are assured that the Lord knows each person and their specific needs at this time.

Praising God for the good reports from Gary, brother of Lora Mills and Beth Zwickl, and Mike, brother of Mark Myers last week.


Continuing to pray for the health and safety of all of our church family as we continue to experience the effects of this pandemic.  Encouraging everyone to consider being vaccinated.
Teachers direct access Kroger, Meijer or Walmart.
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