Series: Leaning In (our post-quarantine Gospel moment)

Ministry has always been the work of understanding the Gospel as recorded in scripture, then learning how to contextualize it into a specific context. Read Acts and watch how Paul does this. He's simply a master!!! His message never changed. How he talked to Jewish women, Roman leaders, hardened Pharisees, and curious foreigners did. other he brought the Jew, the Roman, the hardened, and the curious to the truth of God's words was specifically tailored to the Jew, the Roman, the hardened, and the curious. The Gospel and the truth of God's word NEVER changed…Those who hear it do!

A New Normal
As 2021 unfolds, much can appear ‘normal’ on the surface. I’ve become distinctly aware of a subtle but significant shift. Our post-quarantine world is not the same…and that creates new opportunities for Gospel ministry. Do you feel it too?

In the hopes of capturing all God would have for us in this, let me offer a series of thoughts on the shift and what appears to be the opportunity the Lord offers in it.

From Gathering to Connecting
Historically, the church has wagered almost everything on gathering people in a building at a program. The assumption is that if we are gathered, then naturally we will be connecting.

Sounds good on the surface. But what about all those times where we can feel lonely in a crowd? Or the times where our conversations never move past the weather to our joys, fears, hopes, or sorrows? Or, when we look across a crowded room at folks we recognize because we’ve worshipped together for a decade, but know little beyond the biographical details we can find on Facebook…if we even know their name (or vice versa)?

Don’t get me wrong, a church our size will naturally be filled will strangers and acquaintances. And, it’s true, gathering is a core piece of connecting. But, what if as a community of faith, we pushed beyond gathering to the richer work of connecting. What would it look like if we saw our gathering as a time for deeper connection?
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