Walk with Jesus During His Final Days
by Rob Hock on April 3rd, 2021
The final days leading up to Easter play a prominent role in the Gospel narratives. But, with so much content, we can both get overwhelmed...  Read More
Walk with Jesus During His Final Days
by Rob Hock on April 2nd, 2021
The final days leading up to Easter play a prominent role in the Gospel narratives. But, with so much content, we can both get overwhelmed...  Read More
Walk with Jesus During His Final Days
by Rob Hock on April 1st, 2021
The final days leading up to Easter play a prominent role in the Gospel narratives. But, with so much content, we can both get overwhelmed...  Read More
Walk with Jesus During His Final Days
by Rob Hock on March 31st, 2021
The final days leading up to Easter play a prominent role in the Gospel narratives. But, with so much content, we can both get overwhelmed...  Read More
Join Us Thursday and Friday
by Glen Massey on March 30th, 2021
We hope you can join us on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7pm as we prepare our hearts for Resurrection Sunday.  Both services are in-person; Good Friday is also live-streamed.  Each service will include singing, Scripture reading, and a short message.   The word Maundy comes from the Latin word, mandatum, which means "mandate."  It comes from the passage of Scripture in John 13:34 when Jesus ...  Read More
Walk with Jesus During His Final Days
by Rob Hock on March 30th, 2021
The final days leading up to Easter play a prominent role in the Gospel narratives. But, with so much content, we can both get overwhelmed...  Read More
Walk with Jesus During His Final Days
by Rob Hock on March 29th, 2021
The final days leading up to Easter play a prominent role in the Gospel narratives. But, with so much content, we can both get overwhelmed...  Read More
Small Groups Bus Stop
by Glen Massey on March 24th, 2021
Every August, our small groups stop at the "bus stop"--people get on and people get off.  We ask our leaders and group members to commit for 9 months and then reevaluate.  What will your group do when the bus stop rolls around in August?  How will you create space for new people to get connected?  Maybe your group will "birth" into two new groups?  Maybe 1 or 2 couples or individuals in your group...  Read More
Sermon Bumper
by Rob Hock on March 24th, 2021
I've been asked about the video we've been playing  Read More
Just a bit more...
by Rob Hock on March 23rd, 2021
As will happen when we are exploring God’s word, Matt said something that got me thinking...  Read More
A Podcast and a Devotional
by Rob Hock on March 17th, 2021
Over the last few weeks, y’all have shared with us a podcast interview and a 14-day devotional with Dane Ortlund who wrote Gentle and Lowly…  Read More
by Rob Hock on March 16th, 2021
When Moses asked to see God’s glory while the two of them meet on the top of Mount Sinai (Exodus 33:18), God responded, “I will make all my goodness pass...  Read More
Congratulations Blaise!
by Glen Massey on March 15th, 2021
Blaise Shields grew up at Southport Pres and is currently an M.Div. student preparing for ministry as a Navy Chaplain.  On Sunday, we celebrated a milestone together as Blaise took his military oath of office led by his Uncle Jerry, a retired minister and retired Navy Chaplain.  After graduating this summer, Blaise will serve as an assistant pastor for two years at St. Andrew EPC in Auburn, Indian...  Read More
Spring Break Serving
by Paul Gearhart on March 12th, 2021
Another opportunity to use your spring break for the Kingdom of God. March 25, Thursday 7:30a-2:45p we will be helping Midwest food bank (lunch provided). Go to Resources a the bottom of the app to get signed up or get a paper off the Ugly-Green-shelf-With-Wheels....  Read More
Heard it here 1st
by Rob Hock on March 12th, 2021
We mentioned last week that we believed we were close to finding our next Director of Traditional Worship. Well, close is no longer the word…  Read More
Prayer List - March 10th
by Matt Evans on March 10th, 2021
This weeks prayer list for March 10th.  Read More
From the Pew
by Rob Hock on March 10th, 2021
Last week, I received an emailed question and I thought I’d share a piece of the conversation that unfolded. I have the sneaky suspicion that.......  Read More
It's good to be accepted!
by Rob Hock on March 9th, 2021
Good news for Southport Pres!  The City of Indianapolis and Southport Pres. have.......  Read More
Major Props
by Rob Hock on March 8th, 2021
One of the greatest joys of serving as a pastor at Southport Pres is.........  Read More
Southport Pres Coffee Mugs
by Glen Massey on March 5th, 2021
If you are interested in purchasing a coffee mug with the Southport Presbyterian Church logo on it, you can click the link below to pay with a credit or debit card.  The mugs are $8 each.  You can also bring cash or a check on Sunday and the deacons at the Welcome Desk can give you the mug.https://southportpc.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/127/responses/new...  Read More
Benevolence Team Looking for a Car
by Glen Massey on March 5th, 2021
Our benevolence team is trying to help someone in our church family find reliable transportation.  If you have a reliable car for sale in the $6,000-$7,000 range, please contact Pastor Glen...  Read More
VBS July 12-16
by Melissa Davis on March 5th, 2021
Vacation Bible School July 12-16 from 9 a.m. until NoonKids will go on an epic journey to discover how priceless they are to God.  Open to all kids ages 4 years through 5th grade.  Registration now open online.  Event is free to participate but registration is required to attend.Safety procedures will be in place to ensure the health of kids and our staff and so we can have fun!Volunteers needed! ...  Read More
Summer Youth Missions
by Paul Gearhart on March 5th, 2021
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”  Matthew 9:37,38Jesus asked us to serve.  Would the Lord have you get involved in one of our 3 mission outreaches this summer.You can pick up an application at church or scroll down to "What Are you Looking for" and go...  Read More
In Person Kid's Sunday School
by Melissa Davis on March 3rd, 2021
In-Person Kid's Sunday School during the 11 o'clock worship only.Safety protocols including social distancing, limited touchpoints, sanitizer and masks are in place.  To best keep our families safe, please keep sick children at home.Doors open at 10:45 a.m. for drop-off.All kids must check-in at iPad stations and retain sticker for pick-up.Drop-off:Elementary (K-5th grade): Drop-off upstairs in "t...  Read More